New Parkour & Name Changing is Here!!

Hey guys!

 So, it’s that time already. Name changing has begun! We have finished testing and preparing for it as much as possible and now hopefully we are all good.

Because of this change, we have made a new command for players to use to see if someone has changed their name on our server! If you type /names or /namehistory followed by the players name you can see a list of their known names. We felt this feature was necessary in case players were claiming to be someone that they weren’t or to help with trust issues amongst friends.

 Lastly, Hobojo799123 kindly made a new two star difficulty rated parkour for us about 8 months ago…. I kept forgetting about it and _Razz_ & i had this elaborate plan to troll add5tar with it… add5tar knows he is terrible at parkour.. so we thought it might be funny to get him to show off his skills… while we troll him with traps and annoyances! ๐Ÿ˜€

We captured the hilarity on tape for your viewing pleasure and it is down below! ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy! *Disclaimer* The actual parkour isnt like this, it was just edited for add5tar ๐Ÿ™‚

 As always guys, keep on digging!


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