New Skyblock Update

So some of you may have already noticed that the current Skyblock plugin was updated last week. This was a major overhaul in hopes of fixing a plethora (lots!) of bugs and issues. This update also allowed us to update the world to 1.8! (yay)

A lot of things will be different, most of which you guys wont even see or notice but the fancy new GUI menu for island management and challenges will show a lot of whats new to play with!

I have just finished updating / fixing challenges, rewards and island levels to behave as close as i could, though some change was necessary. If you feel there is something broken or wrong by all means make a ticket or post in the forums and i shall investigate.

I would like to thank all of the staff who helped me test the new update and a special thank you to Alecium who went above and beyond testing everything for me without even being asked to. (All i asked him to do was make sure his island was still there for me when he logged back on lol…) since then he went very in depth to test the functionality of protection regions, interactions with villagers, pointed out many many bugs and issues i had simply forgotten about and overlooked, plus much more.

He also wrote up a very detailed comparison report between the old challenges and the new ones. Because of that i decided to write in a special challenge for the Hard section to allow players a way to get some lapis for their new 1.8 enchanting needs. (which was needed anyways, thanks 1.8 update!) I needed a name for it so…

That and i didn’t really have any good names ;D haha!

Hope you guys enjoy the update and as always keep on digging!


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