Creative2: A whole new world..

Hey everyone!

We are very excited to announce that we have now opened a brand new extra creative world for donators! There is a new portal in the creative portal room in hub or you can just use the hub compass. This new world is not a plot world, it’s a full open/wild Minecraft world dedicated to creative! The world is protected by GriefPrevention and you must claim land first before you are able to build. If you are not familiar with how to use GriefPrevention (using the gold shovel) please see this page for more information. All creative donators have 25,000 claim blocks and very soon you will be able buy more from our donation shop (coming soon).

You’ll also be able to use BuildTools and even to copy your builds between creative1 and creative2! But we are having a few technical difficulties with BT so you will have to be a bit patient.. it might take us a few days to get all the issues fixed.. sorryGood news! BuildTools is fixed now and is live!! 

Happy creative building!! 

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