The admin team is expanding!

Hey everyone,

As most of you know, a few months ago we made a post asking for help with the administration side of the server (technical stuff, plugins, coding, configuring, etc). We had quite a few good responses and while were weren’t able to accept them all, we did manage to find a few that we were happy with!

We have also created a new in-game rank/title of “SubAdmin”. This works in a similar way to our current SubMod rank, where players go through a “trial period” before being given greater power and responsibility. Please understand that the SubAdmins are new to the job and still learning so many new things! We expect that you will give them the respect that you would give any staff member.

The new SubAdmins we have chosen (so far) are: alchemistmatt, Narimm, Volk101!

We have heaps of new and exciting things we want to add to the server. So once these guys have had some time to get up to speed with everything, we hope to bring you many new server changes! 


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