New PlotSquared Plugin, Tutorial & Demo!

Its been so long since my last post!! How have you been doing? Where have i been and what have i been doing? All very good questions that i shall make another video about soon 

However for now i’ve made a tutorial video showcasing and demoing our new plot management system we will be rolling out with soon on all plot servers! (Creative, Market etc.. and maybe the return of something….) It is called Plotsquared!

It operates very similar to plotme, so most of the basics should be comfortable and recogniseable to everyone. However this new plugin features MANY new and additonal features you can use for all your plotting needs. Only a couple of the commands that you are used to are different (most importantly add and removing players) But this quick video should HOPEFULLY explain it all and get you all ready and excited for what’s to come! ^…^

So until next time guys, as always keep on digging!


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