Whats that? Custom Addstar Pets?

Hi guys! How’s the world of textured building blocks treating you all? Has anyone somehow finished all of the survival achievements yet?

Well we’ve been busy and got something new and exciting being added to our donation store. You may have seen me testing them out near the survival rewards area (Im sorry i cant help but publicly show off cool things!) Introducing our Addstar’s line of custom pets!

These adorable little companions are just dying to find an owner to accompany you around on your adventures where ever you may go!

We have dozens and dozens of pets planned and will be releasing new batches over the next few months, so there should be something for everybody! Go check out the donation store today! Also we will be working out how to allow all players to earn certain pets in game. Watch for a future post about this!

Visit our Store

Hope you all have with these cute little guys and until next time, keep on digging!


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