*UPDATE* AddstarMC Status Update


Hi there everyone. Just letting you all know that we have made significant progress with the server. Majority of the databases have been successfully recovered, but we are yet to discover the full depth of any corruption. Mr Add5tar has used this time to reconfigure the hardware, and since then the time and resources that Add5tar and Narimm have put in, is amazing!!

In fact, last night 1130pm AEST, Hub was restarted for the first time since the server crashed. So we are making considerable progress.

Apologise that it has taken some time (and longer than we anticipated), but we will be back soon.
Stand by for further updates.

Hi there all.

As many of you are aware, the server suffered a crash last week. With a lot of hardwork and dedication we managed to get the server up and running again on the weekend, but then we suffered several more complete crashes.

The final crash occured Sunday morning AEST. It wasnt till then we discovered the extent of issues that the original crash had caused in the way of data corruption. 

Considering that AddstarMC staff are all volunteers who have real life work and family commitments, we have been working extremely hard to get the server back up and running. 

At this stage we can’t give a time frame, but will keep you all posted. 

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