Welcome to bizarr0, and Other News

Well its been a few months since our last post and lots has been going on! Survival has been thriving since the world reset for 1.13 in December. I continue to be amazed at some of the impressive builds that I see as I secretly visit you all..

But firstly, you may have seen a new Admin appear..


Welcome to the admin team bizarr0!!!!

Biz has only been with AddstarMC for a short time, but despite that, he brings along some core Admin attributes which are highly desireable to the running of AddstarMC. Since joining the team, he has already hit the ground running and is now busily working on projects in the background.

Building Competitions: You may have noticed a new comp forum has been created. From now on whenever a comp commences, a thread will also be started in the Comps forum. The thread will remain open for discussion and also to announce the winners and pictures. You might also be excited to see that our current comp is to build a Mystery Map! This is a very special comp, as entrants aren’t just building to win the competition, but your build might get used in an upcoming AddstarMC minigame! 

Skygrid: Unfortunately Skygrid remains as 1.12, with no date to update as yet. We have run into technical issues and hope to upgrade it in the future.

Easter: Where has the first part of the year gone? Hub has been decorated to suit the occasion. A big thanks to our amazing staff who give up their own Minecraft time to help out! <3

Thank you to all our staff, and an even bigger thank you to this amazing community. Without you, the server wouldn’t be where it is today.

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