Survival 1.14 with Slimefun is Live!

We mentioned it was coming soon. Well its ready! Survival is now 1.14. All your builds are still in tact. (even add5tar’s barren island, which I intend to flood with pandas.)

So with Survival 1.14, as we mentioned, Slimefun is also available. No you dont need to use Slimefun, but there are some awesome tools that can be made that I intend on getting. (Explosive Pickaxe and Lumber Axe)

With that, we’ve introduced a new pack on our shop. Slimefun Essentials! This awesome pack instantly unlocks the “Research” on several Basic Machines. This is a huge timesaver. On top of that it will also give some useful Slimefun Resources.For a full breakdown of the pack, head to our shop and look in the Survival shop.

To add to the excitement of Survival 1.14 and Slimefun, for the next 10 days, ALL Survival Packages and Survival Items will be reduced by 25%!!

So now that the bulk of servers are now updated (still some more work to go), I’m going to take this opportunity to personally thank the rest of the Admins. The work they do is phenominal. Juggling real life and keeping Addstar MC running. Thank you!! Then our amazing Moderators <3 Keeping in mind that they are players here, but give up their play time to help others and deal with the various random issues. You are all amazing! 

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