AddstarMC 1.20 Update: Phase 1

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would already know that Minecraft 1.20: Trails & Tales was released almost a week ago. Since then we’ve been closely watching the development updates of the various server software/plugins in the Minecraft community and working on an implementation plan.

We take a similar approach with all major upgrades, but we want to let you know where we’re at:

Phase #1 – Supporting 1.20 Clients (Complete)

  • You can now use Minecraft 1.19/1.20 clients on many AddstarMC servers.
  • None of the new 1.20 functionality, materials or mobs are available yet!
  • These servers do NOT support 1.20 clients yet, due to complications:
    • Survival
    • Skyblock
    • Skygrid
    • Hardcore
    • Creative

Phase #2 – Initial 1.20 server testing (In progress):

  • Initial testing of the first 1.20 server on the AddstarMC network.
  • This will firstly be a private staff only server, so we can use it to test and update all our standard necessary plugins – we use a lot of plugins, some we develop ourselves.

Phase #3 – Upgrade at least one live server:

  • We select a suitable server to upgrade – typically this is hardcore because it’s a more simple server (plugin wise) and it’s expected that worlds are reset regularly.
  • Probably also upgrade creative, since it’s also relatively easy and has usually few issues with major upgrades. This will allow you to use new materials.

Phase #4 – Roll out upgrades to all other suitable servers:

  • This includes Survival – when survival is upgraded, the resource worlds will be reset and the new 1.20 terrain/worlds will be generated. This will give you access to all the new resources without losing the main build world. Survival main/build world will NOT be reset!
  • Some servers may take a lot longer to upgrade, and some may not be updated due to being too old, complicated or not needed (such as prison).

We will provide more updates in the future as we progress with the upgrade plan.

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