Holiday over, Sketch!

Brace yourselves for a tidal wave of thrilling news… Our resident Moderator and melon aficionado, SketchyBuilds is ready to embark on a legendary quest of epic proportions!

That’s right, folks! Sketch is trading her laid-back, lake lounging, melon eating for the bustling life in the Admin Team. Gone are the days of endless melon-munching relaxation โ€“ it’s time to roll up those pixelated sleeves and dive into the nitty-gritty of server management ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Sketch has always been more than just our melon-eating mascot; she’s been a huge part of our community, building incredible things in the Build Team and assisting admins with things they didn’t want to do… Now, as she steps into her new role, we’re excited to see her journey into embracing the evil powers responsibilities of the Admin Team ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

So Sketch, it’s time to swap the melon slices for all the new fancy admin tools and player trolling server troubleshooting… and remember, if something goes wrong… #BlameAdnap

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