Some of you may remember “Barney’s Epic Hub Adventure”, a quest first made a few years ago. Unfortunately, it didn’t last very long due to maintenance issues. However, after some tinkering and testing of various things, we’ve put together a whole new quest for you guys to play this Christmas!  With all the chaos of shopping and purchasing the correct piece of jewelry that comes with Christmas, sometimes there are also mixups and lost packages,Read Full Post

With Christmas right around the corner, our staff team has been ecstatic about the festive season. We’ve been getting out the dusty snow shovels and winter clothing to change our Hub theme to something much cooler. So now it’s that time where we wish for that Epilog Laser Engraver we always wanted, or that Pet Penguin we just absolutely can’t live without! And to help us keep track of all our wishes, TreeJay has a tradition of giving players theRead Full Post

Hi all, We have been working hard to bring new features that make playing more enjoyable and meet the needs of players….A new feature we have added today is : Custom Chat Channels Currenltly we have made available 3 channels Hope you enjoy them  Narimm Read Full Post

Minecraft released version 1.12.2 today! You can read about the changes they made here… Minecraft 1.12.2 Changes Anyway, we decided to update the servers pretty quickly!  Everything has gone pretty well… however I just wanted to make people aware I am seeing a few people having issues with Time Out disconnections. Typically this is people using 1.12.1 (the old version) connecting to our servers running 1.12.2. My advice update your client and make sure you remove anyRead Full Post