Hey guys! Just another quick video and post showcasing a new minigame (and the first of its type on AddstarMC) called Beacon Walls! Thanks to 1Georgia1 Miniworks18 & _Flaxen for their hard work and patience waiting for me on this map! Great work! Be sure to subscribe to the channel & keep an eye out on our news & social media pages for any more videos, announcements and just general new awesome things happening withRead Full Post

Hey guys, just posting a quick & simple video showcasing one of our new maps added to CTF (Capture The Flag) called CTFFarm! More videos coming soon of all the new games already released on the server now! Thanks to Edgycam & Booasaurus for making this adorable yet awesome map! Be sure to subscribe to the channel & keep an eye out on our news & social media pages for any more videos, announcements andRead Full Post

Hey guys, Welcome to 2016!! \m/ I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas.I am very curious to hear any and all amazing holiday stories and what you all got for presents so post below! ๐Ÿ˜€ Just decided to make a quick update video about 2 of our new minigames (both of which are now released and being tweaked based on your feedback!) If you havent tried them out yet they are CTFFarm (In ctf games)Read Full Post

Hey guys. So as the title of this news post suggest, we are upgrading our server this weekend! Up until now, we, like most Minecraft server operators rent a server box of some kind to host our Minecraft game on. Well, we have now come into possession of 5 server boxes that we now own! Add5tar and i spent last weekend in the Sydney DC (Data Centre) installing them into our own rack space there,Read Full Post