Attention all of our wonderful and generous donators who have donated for a creative plot! Mr _Razz_ has created a new toy for all you donators with creative plots to play with. He calls it Build Tools! Now you maybe asking… “Arch what’s Build Tools???” Well to demonstrate a little bit of what’s possible Add5tar and i have made a video showcasing it as well as a small tutorial on how to use it. BasicallyRead Full Post

So some of you may have already noticed that the current Skyblock plugin was updated last week. This was a major overhaul in hopes of fixing a plethora (lots!) of bugs and issues. This update also allowed us to update the world to 1.8! (yay) A lot of things will be different, most of which you guys wont even see or notice but the fancy new GUI menu for island management and challenges will showRead Full Post

Most of you would have experienced the recent connection issues and outages over the past week and I just thought I’d post an explanation to let you all know what has been going on. Please see the forum post for all the details. We sincerely apologise for all the recent disconnections and outages. Hopefully things will be a lot more stable in the near future. -Add.Read Full Post

Hey guys! 2015 is here. We celebrated the finale of 2014 with a great big bang! Thanks to add5tar for his incredibly hard work putting together the New Years firework show! If you missed out, fear not! I recorded a video for you all down below (From vantage points no one else could see it from) Schmoller’s sparkler plugin was a success too! If you’re lucky you might just get given some randomly still! Lastly,Read Full Post