The Addstar MC team would like to wish AussieMist a happy birthday!! In celebration of this special occasion, we are giving a huge discount on all donator Money Packs! Coupon Code: THEGREENZONE Discount: 25% off ALL Money Packs (only) Expiry: 16 June 2013 Please wish AussieMist a happy birthday and be sure to thank her for doing such a fantastic job!!! Her amazing hard work and dedication to this server is greatly appreciated and we know you allRead Full Post

To vote. Last month you made us number one on planet minecraft. This month we are number three. That is still an amazing feat considering we are a small 80 slot server but every vote really does count. Did you know the weekly and monthly top voters get bonuses? Help us reach second place again. If we get over 25 votes a day on planet minecraft for the next week……Did somebody say DROP PARTY. The Market We haveRead Full Post

Another week and another new game This week saw the introduction of Quicksand, a last man standing spleef/pvp combination. While watching anvil drop, qw33ty wondered what would happen if we flipped it on it’s head. Armed with a few snowballs, a wooden hoe and stuck in a desert, the concept still somehow works! We also introduced Mini Spleef, which is a combination of spleef and the ever popular parkour, in a 1v1 situation. It seemsRead Full Post