We have tallied the votes on the recent “Welcome Back Comp” building competition, and I am pleased to announce the winners. First place: EastcuePrize: $10,000Description: House in a floating globe Second place: MiniKittiPrize: $5,000Description: Stately mansion We had over 100 builds, and 70 people took the time to take part in the voting process. The comp world is back open for visiting so that you can browse the entrants. Stay tuned for the announcement of the nextRead Full Post

After a long siesta, our first competitive build finished a few days ago, and now it’s time to Vote!  That’s right, everybody gets to vote now.  Use the compass at Hub to go to the Comp Lobby, then join the comp and vote using /compvote You can rank plots with Like, Skip, or Dislike.  Skip is like a Neutral vote.  After voting closes, we will tally the votes to find the winner. We would like to thank everyoneRead Full Post