Did you know the real meaning of PvP is… Penguins vs Pandas?? Hardcore3 is coming back.. and it’s a hardcore like no other! ๐Ÿง๐Ÿผ It’s a hardcore world based on two kingdoms. These two kingdoms will begin at peace with each other but you know when a penguin and panda spend too much time together, war is inevitable… when will this happen? No one knows, but it will happen.. (admins will decide). How does itRead Full Post

Howdy all. After a premature and accidental upgrade of survival to 1.19, and seeing the minimal issues that have arose from that, Its time for the Hardcore server to have a few tweaks and updates.  We all want to live in an Ancient City and have a friendly pet Warden right? In the pm hours of Sunday 10 Jul 22, Hardcore 1 and 2 will be shut down, cleared, tested, cleared, tested (keep repeating), to make way forRead Full Post

The time has come!!! Hardcore 1 and 2 are coming back! On Wed 12Jan22 at 1830hrs (6:30pm) servertime, the reopening of HC1/2 will occur. New beginnings. Fresh start. More cliffs. Deeper caves. More deaths. Yes, thatโ€™s right. 1.18 HC has arrived. The update took a little longer than expected with fixing a few plugins and a few glitches that previously occurred. But weโ€™re happy with the final result, and it’ll be great to see the abundance ofRead Full Post

Hardcore 1 and 2!! The End is Nigh!! As of Monday evening 20 Dec 21, Hardcore 1 and 2 will end for 1.17.  Shutdown timeframe is unknown at this stage. Final hoorah shenanigans may be limited due to staff availability, but we’ll see how we go. (no specific shutdown time but will be after 1900hrs (7pm) /servertime) Additionally, our plan is to keep HC3 open a little longer in its current form and state. Any problemsRead Full Post