Hey guys, just posting a quick & simple video showcasing one of our new maps added to CTF (Capture The Flag) called CTFFarm! More videos coming soon of all the new games already released on the server now! Thanks to Edgycam & Booasaurus for making this adorable yet awesome map! Be sure to subscribe to the channel & keep an eye out on our news & social media pages for any more videos, announcements andRead Full Post

Hey guys, Welcome to 2016!! \m/ I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas.I am very curious to hear any and all amazing holiday stories and what you all got for presents so post below! ๐Ÿ˜€ Just decided to make a quick update video about 2 of our new minigames (both of which are now released and being tweaked based on your feedback!) If you havent tried them out yet they are CTFFarm (In ctf games)Read Full Post

Hey guys! Hope everyones school holidays have been fun and eventful! ๐Ÿ™‚ It has been a very hectic last few weeks. Our Admin Subbies have been hard at work learning everything their is to learn, contributing where they can. Plenty of small improvements here and there already! This allows planning for more fun additions to the server ๐Ÿ™‚ A couple of small things you may have noticed are at the hub. Players seem to likeRead Full Post

Hey guys!  So, it’s that time already. Name changing has begun! We have finished testing and preparing for it as much as possible and now hopefully we are all good. Because of this change, we have made a new command for players to use to see if someone has changed their name on our server! If you type /names or /namehistory followed by the players name you can see a list of their known names. We felt this featureRead Full Post