The creative server is a flat world. Its divided into 80×80 plots. Everyone in this world has /fly and fly speed can be changed with /speed 1-3. All players in the creative world are set to creative mode, although the mode can be switched using the /gamemode command.

Everyone has access to the creative plots, however there are some minimum requirements which must be met first, such as a certain number of hours of playtime on the server. You can view the requirements at the Creative world Spawn. Players can access additional plots, up to a total of 15, by purchasing the Create My World package from the Store.
Plot Features #
Plots can be customised by adding different weather effects, selecting a specific time for your plot or enabling day and night cycle to continue and also selecting a biome for your plot, allowing for various aesthetic looks.
Plot Squared #
We use PlotSquared to manage plots. Using these commands you can allow other players to build on your plot or merge plots together if you own multiple to make larger sized plots. There are a range of other interesting flags you can add to your plot such as enabling PvP and player block interactions. The PlotSquared Help Page lists the various commands and options available.
Creative Tools #
The Creative Tools Package can be purchased from the Store. The pack gives access to a variety of commands that can be used to enhance your creative experience and add some extra aspects to your plot.
- Item Rename (/rename)
- Item Lore (/lore)
- Adjust a Lore line (/setloreline)
- Item Glow (/glow)
- Wear any block/item on head (/hat)
- Enchant any item (/enchant)
- Extended walk/fly speed (/speed [1-5])
- Armor Stand Tools (/ast)
- Build Tools (/bt)
- Head Database (/hdb)
BuildTools #
Build Tools can be used to generate all kinds of shapes, frameworks, outlines. It quickly places, replaces, removes blocks & air. It allows you to quickly and easily generate terrain and really cool looking cave systems and a bunch of other things. You can access the Build Tools Menu with /btm, you will find a handy guide book in the lower right hand side of the GUI.
For more information check out the BuildTools Wiki Page.
Custom Armour Stands #
This new tool allows you to design some very creative scenes with armour stands
What can it do?
- Easily create statues using armour stands – good for role plays and fun scenes.
- Adjust their pose just by clicking buttons with your mouse.
- Equip them with any item in either hand.
- Have them wear any armour as clothing.
- Create floating items by making the armor stands invisible.
Type /ast to get the tools, for more information see the ArmorStandsTools Wiki Page.
Head Database #
the /hdb tool will give access to the Head Database Plugin. There are currently over 51,000 custom player heads to choose from to bring your armour stands to life and add extra details to your creative builds!
You can open the Head Database GUI with /hdb or search for a specific type of head using /hdb search.
You can also get your own head, or that of other players by using /head (playername)
Creative Commands #
You can view the full list of Creative Commands on the Helpful Server Commands page.