What is Skyblock? #
Skyblock is a building game in Minecraft that challenges players to build and expand a small, floating island, starting with almost nothing and growing your riches. There is no land and no mining or exploring. You have what you create. You can form teams to build islands. Islands earn points and can rise up the rankings.

What is Addstar Skyblock? #
Addstar uses a modified version of the uSkyBlock plugin. This is a single-mode Skyblock game using vanilla minecraft mechanics. Players start on a small island with a few basic supplies, including lava, water, a tree, grass, and sand. Some blocks can be created or crafted naturally. Some are awarded after passing Skyblock Challenges.
How is Skyblock different than Survival? #
In many ways, Skyblock acts like a Survival world. Time passes normally, mobs spawn in the dark (and kill you if you’re careless), long falls hurt, and you can build with only the items you can gather. However in other ways, Skyblock changes the rules.
- There are limits on animals, mobs, and golems on your island
- You can use Skyblock Challenges to get some items
- You can change the biome on your island
- In the Nether, breaking blocks sometimes spawns new blocks
- Guardians can spawn without an Ocean Monument and Wither Skeletons can spawn without a Nether Fortress
Skyblock Commands #
/island or /is | View the skyblock menu |
/island home or /is h | Go to your island’s home location |
/is restart | Delete your island and start a new one. To confirm the restart, click the tree in the restart menu that appears, then click it again within 10 seconds |
/is sethome | Set your island teleport point |
/is level | Check your island level |
/is info | See block details for your island |
/is biome (biome) (radius) | Sets an area of your island (defined by the selected radius) to the selected biome |
/is party | View the aprty menu |
/is invite (player) | Invite named player to join your island’s party (Max 4 people per island). The other person loses their island if they accept the invitation |
/is kick (player) | Remove player from your island’s party |
/is accept/reject | Accept or reject a party invitation |
/is makeleader (player) | Transfer the island to player |
/is top | See the top ranked islands |
/is lock | Non-group members can’t enter your island |
/is unlock | Allow anyone to enter your island |
/c | See the challenge menu |
/c complete (challenge name) | Mark the challenge as complete (will remove items from your inventory) |
/is warp (player) | Visit another person’s island |
/is setwarp | Set a location where others will appear when they visit your island with /is warp |
/togglewarp | Toggle to allow or disallow other people from visiting your island |
/is ban (player) | Prevent a specific person from warping to your island |
/is unban (player) | Unbans a previously banned player |
Skyblock Challenges #
Challenges are how you advance in Skyblock. Some items are impossible to obtain without passing challenges, and passing challenges in order will help you build your island. Currently there are 50 challenges in 8 ranks. The first challenge you need to pass is called Apple Collector. To pass the challenge, you trade away 3 apples and receive 1 sapling of each tree type. You can then use those saplings to create different kinds of wood for future builds and challenges. Many challenges are repeatable, however when you repeat them the requirements may increase.
Challenges can be accessed and completed through the challenge GUI /c, through the command /c c (challenge name) or through the use of chest signs.
Challenge Chest Signs – Signs placed on chests can use the contents of that chest to complete a challenge. Place a sign on the side of the chest. On the first line type “[usb]”. Hit [Enter] and on the 2nd line type the name or partial name of the challenge. For example “cactus farmer”.
Farmer Rank #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Apple Collector | 3 Apples | 1 Sapling of Each Type |
Cactus Farmer | 66 Cactus | 4 Sand |
Pumpkin Farmer | 67 Pumpkins | 6 Dirt |
Sugar Farmer | 67 Sugar Cane | 4 Dirt 4 Red Sand |
Shroom Picker | 66 Brown Mushrooms 66 Red Mushroom | 4 Mycelium 4 Podzol |
Wheat Farmer | 66 Wheat | 4 Dirt |
Melon Farmer | 130 Melon Slices | 4 Dirt |
Berry Farmer | 66 Sweet Berries | 1 Bamboo 10% Chance of a Fox Spawn Egg 10% chance of a Panda Spawn Egg |
Builders Rank #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Lumberjack | 102 Logs | 1 Redstone Ore 1 Iron Ore |
Torch Maker | 130 Torches | 1 Redstone Ore 1 Iron Ore 1 Lapis Ore |
Tool Maker | 3 Stone Shovel 3 Stone Pickaxe 3 Stone Axe 3 Stone Hoe | 2 Coal ore 3 Brick 1 Lapis |
Carpenter | 18 Jungle Stair 2 Spruce Door 4 Dark Oak Gate 32 Acacia Fence 32 Ladder 6 Wood Trapdoor 3 Wood Perssure Plate | 2 Redstone Ore 2 Iron Ore 4 Endstone 4 Prismarine Brick |
Stone Brick Maker | 66 Stone Brick 32 Stone Brick Slab 32 Chiseled Stone Brick 18 Stone Brick Stair | 1 Redstone Ore 1 Iron Ore |
Monster Farm | 66 Rotten Flesh 34 String 34 Arrow 34 Bones 17 Gunpowder 5 Spider Eye | 2 Redstone Ore 2 Iron Ore |
Construction Zone (Not Repeatable!) | To Be Placed: 128 Scaffolding | 1 Bell |
Home Owner (Not Repeatable!) | To Be Placed: 1 Bed 1 Crafting Table 1 Glass 1 Wood Door 1 Furnace 1 Bookshelf 1 Torch | 4 Redstone Ore 5 Ink Sac 4 Iron Ore |
Nether Rank #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Nether Mining | 32 Arrows | |
Wither Hunter | 10 Wither Skeleton Skull | 2 Gold Ore 5% Chance of a Nether Star |
Farmer II Rank #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Fisherman | 6 Cod 6 Salmon 3 Pufferfish 2 Tropical Fish | 2 Redstone Ore 2 Ink Sac 2 Lapis Ore 1 Kelp Chance of a Prismarine Block |
Potato Farmer | 66 Potatoes | 5 Andesite Blue Orchid Pink Tulip |
Carrot Farmer | 66 Carrots | 1 Golden Carrot 5 Granite Oxxeye Daisy Allium |
Beetroot Farmer | 66 Beetroot | 5 Diorite Beetroot Soup White Tulip Azure Bluet |
Expert Farmer | 258 Melon Slice 130 Sugar 130 Wheat 130 Carrot 130 Pumpkin 130 Cactus 130 Beetroot | 1 Bucket 20% of 4 Glowstone |
Horsing Around | 36 Hay 10 Lead 1 Carrot on a Stick 1 Shears | 2 Redstone 1 Emerald |
Animal Farm | 8 Pigs 8 Cows 16 Chickens 1 of Each Sheep Colour (16) | 1 Horse Spawn Egg 1 Iron Horse Armour |
Iron Farm (Not Repeatable!) | 30 Oak Door 10 Villagers 1 Iron Golem | 2 Gold Blocks 1 Diamond Bad Omen Effect |
Water World Rank #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Deep Sea Fishing | 15 Cod 15 Salmon 8 Pufferfish 5 Tropical Fish 24 Prismarine Crystal 24 Prismarine Shard 96 Dried Kelp Block 1 Nautilus Shell | 1 Turtle Spawn Egg Chance of a Heart of the Sea |
Brain Coral | 66 Ink Sac | 2 Brain Coral Chance of a Heart of the Sea Chance of a Trident |
Bubble Coral | 27 Cod Bucket | 2 Bubble Coral Chance of a Dolphin Spawn Egg |
Fire Coral | 3 Chainmail Boot | 2 Fire Coral 1 Tropical Fish Bucket |
Tube Coral | 128 Pufferfish | 2 Tube Coral 1 Kelp Chance of a Turtle Spawn Egg Chance of a Trident |
Horn Coral | 2 Horn Coral 1 Kelp Chance of a LLama Spawn Egg Chance of a Trident | |
Kelp | 259 Dried Kelp Block | 2 of Each Coral Block Chance of a Trident |
Poseidon Hunter (Not Repeatable!) | Hold a trident | 50% Chance of a Riptide Book 50% Chance of a Loyalty Book |
World Foods Rank #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Fish & Chips | 1 Emerald 30% Chance of Creeper Skull | |
Smorrebrod | 1 Emerald 30% Chance of a Zombie Skull | |
Hutspot | 66 Potato 66 Carrot | 1 Emerald 30% Chance of a Skeleton Skull |
Apfelstrudele | 10 Apple 18 Wheat 18 Sugar 1 Bucket of Milk | 1 Emerald 30% Chance of a Dragon Head 1 Empty Bucket |
Brownies | 17 Wheat 18 Sugar 19 Egg 17 Cocoa 1 Bucket of Milk | 1 Emerald 2 Purpur Blocks 1 Empty Bucket |
Pasta Funghi | 35 Wheat 35 Egg 18 Brown Mushroom 18 Red Mushroom 1 Bucket of Milk | 1 Emerald 20% Chance of a Shulker Box 1 Empty Bucket |
Belgian Chocolate | 19 Sugar 19 Coca 1 Bucket of Milk | 1 Emerald 20% Chance of a Shulker Box 1 Empty Bucket |
Miscellaneous #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Pearl Collector | 10 Ender Pearls | 1 Gold Ore 1 Blaze Rod 2 Purpur Blocks |
Slime Farmer | 66 Slime Balls | 1 Redstone 1 Emerald |
Technician | 64 Redstone Dust 32 Redstone Torch 5 Redstone Repeater 3 Redstone Comparator 2 Piston 2 Sticky Piston 1 Lever 1 Stone BUtton 1 Stone Pressure Plate 1 Hopper 1 Dispenser 1 Dropper 1 Daylight Sensor | 1 Redstone Block 1 Tripwire Hook |
Wool Collector | 160 Wool (10 of Every Colour) | 30% Chance of Music Disc (1-3) 1 Emerald Flowers |
Glassmaker | 128 Stained Glass (8 of Every Colour) | 30 Chance of Music Disc (1-2) 1 Emerald Flowers |
Maestro | 1 of Each music Disc 1 Jokebox | 2 Gold Ore 1 Diamond |
Emerald Collector | 60 Emerald | Full Set of Diamond Armour |
Ice Collector | 128 Ice | 16 Packed Ice |
Extreme Mobs Rank #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Rotton Flesh | 1744 Rotten Flesh | 1 Sweeping Edge Book 50% Chance of Channeling Book |
Bone Collector | 1744 Bone | 1 Multishot Book 50% Chance of Loyalty Book |
Gunpowder | 1744 Gunpowder | 2 Banner Patterns 50% Chance of Piercing Book |
Scute Collector | 1728 Scute | 1 Trident Chance of Aqua Affinity Book |
Phantom Membrane | 1728 Phantom Membrane | 1 Conduit |
Extreme Rank #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Top Chef | 1 Baked Potato 1 Bread 1 Cake 1 Cooked Chicken 1 Cooked Fish 1 Cooked Salmon 1 Clownfish 1 Cooked Porkchop 1 Cookie 1 Golden Apple 1 Golden Carrot 1 Mushroom Soup 1 Pumpkin Pie 1 Steak 1 Melon Slice 1 Carrot | 2 Diamonds 1 Totem of Undying |
Cookie Lover | 128 Cookie 1 Bucket of Milk | 1 Cocoa 5 Clay |
Patisserie | 5 Cake 5 Pumpkin Pie 128 Cookie | 2 Iron Ore 1 Gold Ore |
Iron Man | 32 Iron Blocks | 8 Endstone 2 End Rods |
Torch Lover (Not Repeatable!) | Place 15,000 Torches | 64 Glowstone 64 Sea Lantern |
Panda Lover |
X-treme Builds Rank #
Name | Requirement | Reward |
Taj Mahal (Not Repeatable!) | To Be Placed: 512 Quartz Block 64 Chiseled Quartz 128 Quartz Pillar 64 Quartz Stairs 128 Quartz Slab 64 Quartz Double Slab | 3 Beacons Red Sand |
Great Pyramid (Not Repeatable!) | To Be Placed: 512 Sandstone 64 Chiseled Sandstone 128 Smooth Sandstone 64 Sandstone Stair 128 Sandstone Slab 64 Double Slab 16 Chiseled Red Sandstone | 3 Diamond Blocks 1 Enchanted Bow |
Hanging Gardens (Not Repeatable!) | To Be Placed: 512 Prismarine 63 Prismarine bricks 128 Dark Prismarine 32 Sea Lantern 16 Each Type of Leaves 16 Flower Pots 256 Vines 10 Each Type of Flower | 5 Diamond Block 4 Redstone Block |
Beaconator (Not Repeatable!) | 1 Beacon 1 Diamond Block 8 Emerald Block 25 Gold Block 49 Iron Block | 1 Packed Ice 1 Snow Block 1 Sword 5 Emerald |
Notre Dame (Not Repeatable!) | To Be Placed: |
Skyblock Levels #
Islands earn points for each block that is placed within the island boundaries. Items in chests or inventories do not give points. The basic block is Cobblestone, which is worth 1 point. Other types of blocks may be worth more. Sand is worth 2 points and tilled farmland is worth 4 points. 100 points makes a level. You can see your island ranking by using the /is level command.
Skyblock Nether #
Once you enter your nether portal you will be taken to your own nether island. As you break blocks with your pickaxe there is a chance for new blocks to appear of various nether block types.
Skyblock Biome Types #
A list of acceptable biomes when using the /is biome (biome) (radius) command:
- Ocean – Default biome. Animals will not spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn.
- Forest – Animals will spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn.
- Desert – Will not rain or snow. Animals will not spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn.
- Jungle – Animals will spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn.
- Swampland – Dark and dull. Animals will spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn. Slimes have a chance of spawning at night depending on the moon phase.
- Taiga – Has snow instead of rain. Water will freeze. Animals will spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn.
- Mushroom – Mooshrooms will spawn. Other animals will not spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn.
- Hell – Dark and dead. Some Nether mobs will spawn, including Zombie Pigmen and Magmas
- Sky – Special Dark sky. Only Endermen will spawn.
- Plains – Animals will spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn.
- Extreme Hills – Animals will spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn.
- Flower Forest – Using bone meal will grow additional flowers. Animals will spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn.
- Deep Ocean – Animals will not spawn. Hostile Mobs will spawn. Guardians will spawn underneath Prismarine
Market #
Skyblock has a Market World for players to set up their own player shops at /market. Buy items from other player’s shops, or sell your own items by purchasing a plot and setting up QuickShops using chests. Plots cost $10,000 to claim.
The quickest way to look for items to purchase is to use /ms find (item). Then click on the shop owners name in the chat list to teleport directly to the shop location.
Players can use /fly while in the Market World, however you will have to bring your own building materials and shop supplies from your Skyblock Island in order to set up and stock your market.
See more information on the Player Market Wiki page.
Bonus & Rewards #
Looking for some quick cash in Skyblock? Visit the /bonus room each day to collect Free money, XP and Food. Also collect your rewards 7 days in a row for a huge cash bonus!
You can earn Reward Keys around the server and use them to redeem special rewards. There are five different levels of keys. each level increases the value of the reward! Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald. To redeem rewards type /rewards