The Slimefun Plugin is available in both Survival and Skygrid that adds automation, useful tools, and many quality of life features to the game.
Getting Started #
These are your starting points. They will guide you through the main features of Slimefun.
Unlocking Research #
The very first step to starting out with Slimefun is getting access to the Slimefun Guide book. the SF guide will be your go-to book for learning all of Slimefun’s recipes. Type /sfguide to receive a guidebook into your inventory.
You must unlock machines, tools, items and resources in the Slimefun Guide Book to use them. Each unlocked item will have a research cost listed, this is how many Experience Levels are required to unlock the research. Once you have enough experience levels, click the locked item in you SF guide to unlock the research.
Multiblocks #
Many Slimefun machines are composed of Multiblocks – a specific arrangement of blocks placed in the world that forms a special type of workbench, similar to the crafting table. These generally require at least one dispenser, which is used to insert the recipe items into, and remove the crafted goods out of, as well as at least one other block which you will need to right click in order to craft the recipe.
Basic Machines #
Some of the first Basic Machines you will want to craft include:
Enhanced Crafting Table #

The basic Slimefun Workbench, used for crafting many of the Slimefun recipes.
Grind Stone #

Grinds items down into other items, such as cobblestone into gravel.
Automated Panning Machine #

Allows you to find Sifted Ores and other useful materials from basic Minecraft blocks. When you first start your Slimefun journey you will use a lot of gravel at the Automated Panning Machine to try and find Sifted Ores. Simply hold the gravel in your hand and right click it against the trapdoor piece of the Machine. After a few moments an item will pop out.
Ore Washer #

Washes Sifted Ores to find dusts and other biproducts. Once you have obtained Sifted Ores from the Automated Panning Machine you can place them in the Ore Washer dispenser, right click on the fence and you will receive a type of Slimefun dust, to smelt or use in crafting, or a stone chunk which can be converted back into gravel further along the line.
Ore Crusher #

Crushes a variety of ores and blocks into dusts and other materials. You can use the Ore Crusher to obtain Iron, Copper and Gold Dust from their respective Ore Blocks. The Ore Crusher is also used to obtain Sulfate from crushing Netherrack blocks.
Simple place the blocks inside the dispenser and right click the Nether Brick fence to crush them.
Smeltery #

A furnace that allows you to smelt the Slimefun dusts you have obtained into ingots and create alloys that you will need for recipes.
Table Saw #

Allows you to get 8 planks from any 1 wood block, or 4 sticks from any 1 plank. This is a quality of life machine that doubles any wood you need for crafting!
Basic Metals #
Most Slimefun items, tools and machines are created with some form of metal. Many ingredients are as well! Slimefun crafting can become repetitive so it is essential to have a good stock of metals in both dust, bar and alloy form.
Basic Metals include Tin, Silver, Lead, Aluminum, Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Iron and Gold.
Alloys are metals created by mixing other metals. Some common examples are Brass, Bronze and Nickel.
Magical Items #
Magical Recipes often involve runes, lumps and staves.
Runes #
Crafted in an Ancient Alter, there are many different runes. Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Ender, Lightning, Rainbow, Soulbound, Enchantment and Villager Runes.
Lumps #
Magical lumps are crafted with nether wart in a grindstone, and then combined in an enhanced crafting table to get to higher tiers. Ender lumps are the same, but using eyes of ender instead of netherwart. Both lump varieties have tiers I, II and III.
Staves #
The elemental staff is the basic staff used in crafting recipes. One of the most popular items used in Slimefun is the Wind Staff, which propels you forward.
Ancient Altar #

Ancient Alters are necessary to craft magical Runes. The Ancient Altar is the centerpiece of the Ancient Alter, the enchatment table piece.
Ancient Pedestal #
The surrounding dispensers of the Ancient Alter.
When using the Ancient Altar, right click each pedestal to add the required item. They must be put in the same order as on the recipe in the Slimefun Guide Book. Lastly right click the center Ancient ALter piece with the central item in the recipe. The result should appear a few seconds later!
Exotic Garden #
Exotic Garden is a Slimefun addon that adds various plants and cooking recipes. There are tons of new seeds, saplings, foods and tools for you to use.

You obtain exotic plants by breaking grass, as you would with wheat seeds, or from finding naturally generated plants and trees in the wild.
Plants either grow into bushes or trees. Several of these can be found naturally in the wild. You may have noticed them in your travels! There are also Magical Plants which grow into various important materials.
Plants and Trees #
Plants and trees can be grown by their respective seeds and saplings, which are found by breaking grass or harvesting wild plants and trees. These plants grow naturally on their own, but you can speed up growth with bonemeal.

To harvest the plants, right click them. To harvest the fruit from trees, right click the fruit. Note that fruit will not regrow on a tree, you will have to plant a new tree in order to obtain more fruit.
Magical Plants #
Magical plants are a different kind of plant. They function exactly like other exotic plants, however they produce materials instead of foods.

Some of the materials that you can grow include iron, gold, some slimefun metals, diamond, slime and many more, even netherite!
Harvesting a magical plant will yield Magical Essence of a specific type. To convert the magical essense into the raw material, combine 8 of them in a square shape in an Enhanced Crafting Table.
Slimefun Kitchen #

The Slimefun Kitchen is a multieblock that needs to be constructed by placing the blocks in the world in the exact positions they are shown in the Slimefun Guide Book recipe.
The Slimefun Kitchen can be used to create a variety of fun and useful foods and drinks.
Advanced Slimefun #
Advanced Slimefun features are for the most dedicated! They can be much more complicated and take more time to use, but have much greater rewards. It is advised that you have lots of resources ready before you begin Advanced Slimefun! Crafts will be more complex moving forward.
Electricity #
The higher level Slimefun machines require power in joules (J) and kilojoules (KJ). When you hover over an item in the Slimefun Guide Book it will list how many J or KJ the machine uses per second to run.
In order to supply this energy to the machines a player will have to craft a power generator. There are a range of different generators, Coal, Magnesium, Solar, and Lava Generators as well as Bio, Combustion and Nuclear reactors.
You can use a combination of different power generators to create the energy supply you need. The energy then needs to be connected to your machines using energy connectors. An Energy Regulator will also be required to set up an energy network and you will want one of the Energy Capacitors too.
Cargo Management #
Slimefun offers a full cargo management system to filter, sort and move items between farms, machines and storage systems.
The central point of the Cargo Management System is the Cargo Manager. This is then connected to Input and Output nodes with cargo node connectors between them. There are basic and advanced levels of Input and Output nodes which allow for advanced filtering of items.
Androids #
One of the most advanced components of the Slimefun plugin are Androids. Once these machines are given an energy supply they are able to completely automate the farming of a variety of Minecraft items. Android types include Miner, Farmer, Woodcutter, Fisherman and Butcher.